Get the Most out of College
Holly and Pam each hold advanced degrees, as well as certificates in College Counseling from UCSD. They have both completed intensive additional training through the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) and are Professional Members of this selective organization.
Luke is working jointly toward his Education Specialist and Doctoral degrees in School Psychology at the University of Washington. He has also completed intensive training through IECA and is an Associate Member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA).
About Our Partnership
Pam and Holly met when our sons were in kindergarten, and have remained friends and colleagues ever since. Luke joined our practice in 2023, when requests for our services outgrew our capacity. College Admission Navigation works to help students optimize high school opportunities and find the right college fit. How that fit is defined will differ for each student. We reduce the stress of the application process through preparation and communication. Our process is designed to maximize success and happiness in both high school and college. When creating college lists, we work with students and their families to define personal fulfillment.
In order to provide each student with ample time and individualized attention, we limit our practice size.
Our relationship with the IECA highlights our commitment to ethical and responsible counseling. We keep abreast of the changing landscape of college admissions counseling through this organization. In response to legislation passed in Illinois (January 2022), we are choosing to refer students who live in Illinois to Illinois-based educational consultants. Should you need a referral, we are happy to oblige.